
Ardmore Sponsors RMA Philadelphia Chapter’s Annual Bank Presidents Panel

Ardmore Banking Advisors was pleased to once again sponsor the RMA Philadelphia Chapter’s annual Bank Presidents Panel at the Union League on May 8, 2018.

The panel was moderated by Lou Dunham, Senior VP & Senior Director of Risk Management at Ardmore, and featured Gerard Cuddy of Beneficial, Mike Keim of Univest, Travis Rhodes of BB&T and Ira Brown of M&T Bank in a discussion about the current state of the banking industry, touching on topics including fintech, bitcoin, CECL and training the next generation of bankers.

The programs also included a touching tribute to Don Frueh, an Ardmore Partner and Executive Vice President, who had moderated this event for a number of years and been a very active Board Member prior to his passing in March.

Pictured (l to r) Lou Dunham, Ira Brown, Gerard Cuddy, Mike Keim, Travis Rhodes

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